Often people get confused what the difference is between a VPS (AKA Sneaker Server) and a Dedicated server, this post will help explain all the differences and what justifies the price increase.
What makes each one different?
A sneaker server, which is more well known as a VPS, is where you are given a server where the resources are shared between you and other resources. Multiple smaller servers are put onto a larger server and you are assigned a number of cores, and an amount of ram in respect to the package that you purchase. An easy way to put it is; you are given a slice of the pizza rather than the entire pizza. However this does not hinder anything, it is our most popular option and works around most peoples budgets and requirements - You can run thousands of tasks on some bots with just the basic package due to our extremely good specs.
A dedicated server is where you are assigned every single resource on the server, you are given the entire "larger server" (as referred to above). The only thing that can hinder the performance of your server is anything that you are doing on the server. If you purchase a 10GB/S Port that you are given dedicated access to that port, with a sneaker server the port is shared between multiple users. The price is replicated by the performance increase. If you are running thousands of tasks, with multiple bots at the same time then a dedicated server is the way to go.
Sneaker Server Pros
- The price is significantly Cheaper
- Servers perform well for users who run 1 - 2 bot at one time with a decent amount of tasks.
- A redundancy system where if your server goes down, a new server is bought up with your data stored already on it. (EU)
- Ability to upgrade your server without losing any data.
Dedicated Server Pros
- The performance you get on your server is much greater than a sneaker server.
- You get a dedicated port for just yourself if you purchase a 10GB/S line if you purchase that. The 1GB/S line is also dedicated to just you.
- Any performance issues are just limited to you, there are no other factors or networking that goes on your server.
- The only person who uses the resources and has access to the server is you, you are essentially renting out another PC.
I have outlined some of the pros for both Dedicated and Sneaker Servers, however there are many more. If you have any other questions you can join our Discord by clicking https://discord.gg/H3pbdex and open a ticket.